6 Tips to Make Your New Year’s Resolutions Stick

6 Tips to Make Your New Year’s Resolutions Stick

Are you part of the many who have been struggling to keep their New Year’s resolutions year after year? Here are 6 practical tips to help you to reach your goals this 2023.
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About 80% of New Year’s resolutions fail. This proves how extremely challenging it is to keep one’s resolutions. But whatever your goals may be for 2023, there are steps that you can take to stay motivated and committed. Here we tackle 6 tips to help you stick to your resolutions no matter how challenging they may be.  


Why Some New Year’s Resolutions Fail 

Before we dive into these 6 tips, let’s take a look at why resolutions often don’t work and why your interest fizzles out like clockwork year after year. 




Caught up with the excitement to make a change, it’s easy to commit to too many resolutions. Overcommitting may leave you feeling overwhelmed to the point of you quitting on your resolutions altogether. 


This could be further worsened by impractical and unrealistic goals. For example, Life Coach Sophia Fromell says that it may be unrealistic for you to make a resolution to go to the gym everyday given your other commitments in life. 


So instead of every single day, Fromell suggests visiting the gym twice a week. This way, you're making this resolution easier to fulfil.  


Too Broad or Lack of Meaning


Another pitfall is that the resolutions are not only not specific but not anchored on purpose as well. For goals to work, they must be both doable and meaningful. 


If, for instance, you resolve to lose weight because you want to increase your energy and improve your overall health instead of just simply looking good, you’re likely to be more inspired to follow through.


A New York Times article pointed out that resolutions may sometimes fail because they are based on meeting societal norms or standards instead of your values or what you consider important and meaningful.  


Lack of Social Support


Several studies have established the positive effects of social support on hitting one’s personal goals. Given this, it pays to share your goals with those closest to you who can encourage you along the way. You may also find yourself motivated to stay on track when they remind you of your successes.

Stick to Your New Year’s Resolutions: 6 Tips


Tip #1: Aim for Realistic Goals  


Realistic goals are achievable because they consider factors such as personal skills, timeframe, and disposition, says the Wealthful Mind. Understanding why you’re making your specific set of goals this year and how you intend to realise them at the onset will help keep the momentum going.  


Tip #2: Ask Better Questions 


To be able to come up with purpose-filled resolutions, you have to ask yourself better questions. Questions such as the following will help put things in perspective: 


     • Why am I making these goals this year?

     • Who do I want to become this year?

     • What am I willing to sacrifice or let go of for my goals?

     • Why do I need to do this?


This practice gives you time to self-reflect, thus enabling you to decide what to prioritise or let go. It lets you pinpoint which goals will transform you based on who you envision yourself to be. 


Tip #3: Be Gentle with Yourself  


Change doesn’t happen overnight. As old habits die hard, it’s normal to miss your targets. The aim is not perfection but persistence. Be gentle with yourself during setbacks, and remember that it’s fine to restart. 


Tip #4: Get an Accountability Partner


According to Board-Certified Clinical Psychologist Dr. John Norcross, Chair of Psychology at the University of Scranton, having an accountability partner makes it “harder to back out” from your goals. Share your resolutions with your accountability partners as well as any support you may require from them. Discuss what help they can provide you with. You can return the favour if they, too, are aiming to turn their resolutions into reality.   


Tip #5: Don’t Forget to Reward Yourself


Rewarding yourself is one of the best ways to keep you motivated. It reminds you that you're willing to put forth the effort needed to achieve your goals. 


Patting yourself on the back after reaching a milestone can help you feel good about what you’re doing and can further push you to keep going. MindTools suggests making the rewards special and memorable to further drive and inspire you.    


Tip #6 Track your progress


Journaling is a good way to track your progress and identify your behavioural patterns. The American Psychological Association notes that you’re likely to hit your goals if you often monitor your progress. Additionally, for Boston-based Psychologist Dr. Elizabeth Ward, jotting your goals down makes you more accountable and determined to accomplish your intentions for the year. 


Final Thoughts 


When it comes to your New Year’s resolutions, create a plan and adopt an approach that will bring you closer to your goals. Change is possible, and you have the power to make it happen with commitment and the right mindset.